Welcome to the Media Library at Redeemer Vietnamese Baptist Church

Oct 18, 2018

As the Media Library of Redeemer Vietnamese Baptist Church, we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive collection of resources to support your spiritual growth and biblical study. Our vast catalog includes a diverse range of materials, including books, videos, and audio recordings, all aimed at deepening your understanding of God's Word.

Explore our Extensive Collection

Our media library houses an extensive collection of resources carefully curated to cater to the needs of our church members and the broader Christian community. Whether you are a lifelong believer, new to the faith, or simply curious about Christianity, our collection has something for everyone.

Books for Every Topic

Our library boasts a wide array of books covering various theological topics, including biblical studies, Christian living, discipleship, apologetics, and much more. These books come from renowned authors and theologians, providing profound insights and perspectives on matters of faith.

Video Resources for Visual Learning

Visual learning can be a powerful tool for enhancing your understanding of complex concepts. To aid in this, we offer an extensive selection of educational and inspirational videos. From engaging documentaries to thought-provoking sermons, our video resources allow you to dive deeper into biblical teachings and gain a fresh perspective.

Audio Recordings for On-the-Go Learning

We understand that life can get busy, so we have made it convenient for you to continue your spiritual growth even when you're on the move. Our collection of audio recordings includes engaging sermons, enlightening teachings, and insightful podcasts from prominent speakers and scholars. Take them with you wherever you go and transform your daily commute or workout session into a meaningful time of spiritual enrichment.

Enhance Your Study Experience

At Redeemer Vietnamese Baptist Church, we believe that a holistic approach to studying God's Word is essential. In addition to our rich collection of resources, we provide various amenities and services to enhance your study experience:

Comfortable Reading Spaces

We have created cozy reading nooks where you can settle in and delve into the treasures of our library. These serene spaces are designed to provide a peaceful atmosphere that fosters focus and concentration. So sit back, relax, and let your discoveries within our books transport you to new theological depths.

Knowledgeable Librarians

Our dedicated team of knowledgeable librarians is always ready to assist you in finding the right resource for your specific needs. Whether you are seeking recommendations, need help navigating our catalog, or have any other inquiries, our friendly librarians are here to provide valuable guidance and support.

Events and Workshops

As a part of our commitment to fostering a thriving learning community, we regularly organize events and workshops to engage and equip our members. These events cover a wide range of topics, from book discussions and author talks to educational workshops on biblical interpretation and theological themes. Stay updated with our calendar of events and join us for these enriching experiences.

Connect with Us

We value community and believe that learning together enriches our faith journeys. Connect with us through various channels to stay informed about the latest resources and engage in meaningful conversations:

Online Catalog

Explore our comprehensive collection through our user-friendly online catalog. Search for particular titles, browse by topics, or discover new releases. Our catalog is regularly updated, ensuring that you have access to the most recent works from influential Christian authors and scholars.

Social Media

Follow us on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to be the first to hear about new additions to our library, upcoming events, and inspiring content. Engage with our online community, share your insights, and connect with like-minded individuals who are on a similar spiritual journey.


Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular updates directly in your inbox. Our newsletter includes curated recommendations, featured materials, and exclusive insights from prominent Christian thinkers. Join our growing community of subscribers and stay informed about all things related to our media library.

Visit the Media Library

We invite you to visit our media library located at Redeemer Vietnamese Baptist Church. Immerse yourself in the vast world of biblical knowledge and spiritual growth. Our warm and welcoming atmosphere coupled with our extensive collection will provide an exceptional experience for individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

Discover the depths of God's Word, learn from esteemed theologians, and embark on a transformative journey of faith through the resources available at the Media Library. We look forward to serving you and assisting you in your quest for spiritual growth and understanding.

Cc Stolberg
Can't wait to dive into the spiritual treasure trove! 💎🔍 Thank you for providing such a valuable resource!
Nov 9, 2023
Etrius Macandog
Amazing resource collection! 👏📚🎥📻
Oct 6, 2023
Daniel Sylvester
This is such a valuable resource for our church community! Thank you for providing these materials.
May 6, 2023
Deb Shenkel
I love the selection of books and audio recordings available – it's a treasure trove for anyone seeking to deepen their faith.
Feb 23, 2023
Michael Trezza
I'm impressed by the comprehensive collection of materials - it's truly a one-stop resource for anyone seeking spiritual enrichment.
Jan 23, 2023
Kathleen Sanders-Wilson
Thank you for providing such a valuable resource that supports our individual and collective spiritual growth.
Dec 13, 2022
The media library is a fantastic addition to our church, and it's wonderful to see the dedication to supporting spiritual growth.
Oct 15, 2022
Cora Belfiore
The media library plays a vital role in nurturing our spiritual community. What a wonderful initiative!
Feb 21, 2022
Serena Chan
The media library is an invaluable asset that promotes lifelong learning and spiritual exploration.
Nov 3, 2021
Elly Bijns
I'm grateful for the effort that has gone into curating such diverse and valuable resources.
Oct 12, 2021
Justin Harvey
Kudos to the team behind the media library for their hard work in making these valuable resources accessible to us.
Mar 17, 2021
Alysson Vieira
I appreciate the diverse range of materials available here, it's great to have options for different learning preferences.
Apr 15, 2020
Jerry Neef
Having access to these resources has enriched my spiritual journey in ways I couldn't have imagined.
Mar 6, 2020
Jeffrey Sciammas
The resources in the media library have been instrumental in deepening my understanding of biblical teachings.
Dec 2, 2019
Jhuma Guha
The collection of resources here truly reflects the rich tapestry of faith, culture, and knowledge.
Sep 27, 2019
Pino Vastolo
The media library has been a blessing for me, helping me delve deeper into my spiritual journey.
Jul 24, 2019
Kirby Rouser
I've found so much inspiration and guidance from the resources in the media library. Thank you for curating such a wonderful collection.
Jan 4, 2019