The 10 Commandments - Trading Shame for Empathy

Aug 23, 2022


Welcome to Redeemer Vietnamese Baptist Church, where we believe in the power of empathy to transform lives. In this blog post, we will explore the 10 commandments that encourage empathy and help us trade shame for understanding and connection.

Commandment 1: Acknowledge Your Feelings

In a culture that often shames vulnerability, it is crucial to acknowledge and accept our own feelings. At Redeemer Vietnamese Baptist Church, we encourage open conversations and provide a safe space for individuals to express their emotions without judgment.

Commandment 2: Practice Active Listening

Active listening is a fundamental skill that allows us to truly understand others and create empathetic connections. Our church community emphasizes active listening, encouraging individuals to listen with intent and respect to foster deeper understanding and empathy.

Commandment 3: Cultivate Compassion

Compassion is at the core of empathy. We believe in cultivating compassion not only towards ourselves but also towards others. Redeemer Vietnamese Baptist Church provides resources and support to help individuals develop a compassionate mindset and extend love and understanding to those around them.

Commandment 4: Seek to Understand

Seeking to understand before passing judgment is essential in trading shame for empathy. Our community embraces the principle of seeking understanding, promoting conversations that allow individuals to explore diverse perspectives and gain a deeper appreciation for one another.

Commandment 5: Embrace Vulnerability

Vulnerability is a powerful catalyst for empathy. At Redeemer Vietnamese Baptist Church, we create a safe environment where individuals can embrace vulnerability, knowing that they will be met with understanding, empathy, and support.

Commandment 6: Practice Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is an integral part of trading shame for empathy. We encourage individuals to practice self-compassion and offer tools and resources to help foster self-acceptance, forgiveness, and love.

Commandment 7: Foster Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an essential element in building empathetic connections. Our church community emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, providing guidance and support for individuals navigating forgiveness both within themselves and towards others.

Commandment 8: Create a Safe Space

Creating a safe space is crucial to foster empathy and understanding. At Redeemer Vietnamese Baptist Church, we prioritize inclusivity, respect, and acceptance, ensuring that all individuals feel welcomed and supported.

Commandment 9: Practice Empathy in Action

Empathy is not just a concept but a practice. Our church community engages in various activities and initiatives that allow individuals to put empathy into action, bringing positive change to their lives and the lives of those around them.

Commandment 10: Spread the Message of Empathy

Lastly, we believe in spreading the message of empathy beyond our church community. Through outreach programs, workshops, and collaborations, we aim to inspire others to trade shame for empathy and create a more compassionate society.


The 10 commandments outlined here provide a roadmap for trading shame for empathy. At Redeemer Vietnamese Baptist Church, we are committed to embracing empathy as a core value, and we invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Together, we can foster understanding, connection, and a more empathetic world.